Teacher Professional
Development (PPG)

Universitas Islam Riau

Learning Outcomes of Graduates

The PPG program is a professional education program, at level 7 on the National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). In accordance with Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, the PPG program is conducted after the bachelor’s or applied bachelor’s program, demanding different graduate competency standards compared to the bachelor’s or applied bachelor’s programs. The Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) of the PPG Study Program, covering attitudes, knowledge, and skills, are expressed in the formulation of the learning outcomes of the PPG Study Program graduates.

On the formulation of the professional program graduate learning outcomes in Permendikbud No. 3 of 2020 concerning the National Standards for Higher Education, which includes general attitudes and skills as well as four teacher competencies, namely pedagogical competence, personality competence, professional competence, and social competence, the PPG program’s Integrated and comprehensive Generic Learning Outcomes (CPL) can be formulated. The formulation of CPL for the PPG Study Program includes the following competencies, making the graduates professional educators devoted to the Almighty, with noble character, and the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students:

  1. Able to carry out professional duties as an engaging educator, grounded in a love for the homeland, possessing authority, firmness, discipline, a sense of calling, physical fitness, and accompanied by a spirit of dedication and compassion;
  2. Capable of formulating indicators for high-level thinking learning outcomes that students must possess, encompassing attitudes, knowledge, and skills in their entirety (critical, creative, communicative, and collaborative) oriented towards the future (adaptive and flexible);
  3. Mastery of teaching materials, including meaningful understanding of advanced materials, capable of explaining the “what” (content), “why” (philosophy), and “how” (application) aspects in everyday life;
  4. Able to design learning by applying the principle of integrating knowledge of teaching materials, pedagogy, as well as information and communication technology or Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge, and other relevant approaches;
  5. Capable of conducting educative learning by applying information and communication technology to build students’ attitudes (Indonesian character), knowledge, and problem-solving skills critically, humanely, innovatively, creatively, collaboratively, and communicatively, using learning models and resources supported by research findings;
  6. Able to evaluate input, process, and learning outcomes, including the attitudes, knowledge, and skills of students, by applying authentic assessment, and utilizing evaluation results for the improvement of learning quality; and
  7. Capable of continuously developing oneself as a professional teacher through research, self-reflection, seeking new information, and innovation.